So if you are going to have a 1 3 4 border on your mat s window a good position for the v groove might be 1 1 4 in from the perimeter edge so set your mat guide for 1 1 4 and cut the window.
What is a v groove in a mat.
This product is suitable for many applications such as aisle ways warehouses vending areas.
A v groove is not the beveled edge of a mat opening.
It is typically about 5 away from the cutout opening to generate additional focus or accent to your artwork.
A v groove is an optional thin line or groove cut into the surface of the top mat.
Using the keencut ultmat gold mat cutter to cut a v groove mat.
Cut the artwork opening in the normal fashion with the mat face in.
This matting is made from 100 recycled materials and can be custom cut in lengths up to 105.
Remove the mat and place it back in the machine face out.
V groove corrugated matting is long lasting and durable.
Low profile matting allows for easy on off cart traffic.
Reset the mat borders for the desired spacing of the v groove from the mat opening.
Sure tread v groove mat.
Mats are hard 1 8 thick pvc vinyl and can be rolled for easy storage.
Low profile makes this mat easy for foot and cart.
3 x 105 roll 4 x 105 roll.
V groove corrugated vinyl runner.
Fletcher s 2200 mat cutter provides specialty cutting for creating bevels and producing v grooves in matboard used for picture framing applications.
A decorative process that was first a hand carved craft and then was duplicated in simple outlines of a mat window are now available in more diverse and more sophisticated mat designs that not only accentuate the mat they can set the mood.
The rubber tooth v groove pattern provides safety and slip protection as well as minimal anti fatigue values.
The following 8x10 vgroove mat designs are available on demand.
The 2200 is available two different sizes 48 1 2mm and 60 1 5mm.
Cuts up to 8 ply matboard and handles up to 6mm foamboard with its dual cutting head capability.
Sure tread v groove mats are designed to provide floor protection from chairs tables and foot traffic.
A v groove is a thin white line black line for blackcore which is carved into the top mat around the entire mat.
A v groove adds a special class and formality to any photo or print you are trying to emphasize.