Dates mat exam eligibility registration process syllabus and pattern exam admit card exam result preparation validity of mat exam score.
What is mat exam syllabus.
The mat syllabus contains the mathematics that we expect you to know by the time of the test.
To perform well in mat exam it is important to prepare as per the syllabus.
So prepare according to the aima mat syllabus may 2020 will help the aspirants to cover all the necessary topics for the test to get a good score.
The questions in each section based on mat syllabus are of moderate difficulty level.
Learn all about mat exam 2020.
Computer science computer science and philosophy mathematics mathematics and computer science mathematics and philosophy mathematics and statistics.
The mathematics admissions test mat is a subject specific admissions test lasting 2 hours and 30 minutes and sat under timed conditions.
The test is a 2 hours 30 minutes computer based and paper based test which is conducted in a single session to evaluate the candidate s ability across various segments like quantitative technique logical reasoning language comprehension and general awareness.
How to cover syllabus for mat 2020.
Mat exam syllabus for august september mat 2020 is divided into 5 key sections namely language comprehension mathematical skills data analysis and sufficiency intelligence and critical reasoning indian and global environment with 40 questions in each section.
This year aima is conducting mat in ibt mode due to covid 19.
Nmat 2020 is a national level computer based mba entrance test leading to mba admission 2021 in top mba colleges like nmims mumbai spjimr mumbai pgmpw isb certificate programme vit vellore xim bhubaneswar and many other mba colleges in india.
If you are applying for one of the following courses you will be required to sit the mat.
Mat syllabus practice solutions.
Download section wise nmat syllabus.
One of the best suggested ways tocover complte mat syllabus is to get acquinted with mat exam pattern and practice mock test along with sample papers.
Mat exam preparation for computer based test cbt paper based test pbt and internet based test ibt is same as the syllabus and pattern of mat for all these modes is same.
Even if candidates are slogging day and night and preparing and are not awareof the syllabus prepartion will not be structured.
Mat syllabus 2020 has been released by aima.
To check that you know the mathematics on the syllabus you might find these syllabus practice questions useful.